Spanish Stem-Changing / Irregular Reflexive Verbs

There are three basic types of stem-changing reflexive verbs in Spanish.

Stem-changing Reflexive Verbs Spanish (e->ie)

Reflexive VerbStem-changing (e-ie)MeaningExample
Despertarseme despiertoto wake upMe despierto a las seis de la mañana.
I wake up at six in the morning.
Negarseme niegoto deny/ to refuseMe niego a ir.
I refuse to go.
Sentarseme sientoto sit down¿Me siento en el sofá?
(Do) I sit on the couch?
Sentirsese sienteto feelSe siente triste porque perdió el juego.
He feels sad because he lost the game.
Quererseme quieroto want/to love/to wishMe quiero comprar un televisor.
I want to buy a television.

Stem-changing Reflexive Verbs Spanish (e->i)

Reflexive VerbStem-changing (e-i)MeaningExample
Despedirseme despidoto say good-byeMe despido de ti.
I say goodbye to you.
Desvestirseme desvistoto get undressedMe desvisto antes de ducharme.
I undress before showering.
Sonreírseme sonríoto smileMe sonrió cuando te veo.
I smile when I see you.
Vestirseme vistoto get dressed¡Me visto y nos vamos!
I get dressed and we go!

Stem-changing Reflexive Verbs Spanish (o->ue)

ReflexiveStem-changing (o-ue)MeaningExample
Acostarseme acuestoto go to bedMe acuesto a las nueve de la noche.
I go to bed at nine at night.
Costarsete cuestato costEsta camisa te cuesta veinte dólares.
This shirt costs you twenty dollars.
Dormirseme duermoto go to sleep/ to fall asleepAveces me duermo muy tarde.
Sometimes I fall asleep very late.
Probarsese pruebato try on (clothing)Carmen se prueba la ropa en la tienda.
Carmen tries on clothes in the store.

Irregular Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

In Spanish, there are a few irregular verbs in the reflexive forms. The table below is giving examples in the present tense only in the ‘yo‘ form.

Reflexive VerbIrregularMeaningExample
Distraerseme distraigoto distract (oneself)Me distraigo fácilmente.
I get distracted easily
Irseme voyto leaveYo mismo me voy de vacaciones.
I’m going on vacation myself.
Ponerseme pongoto put onMe pongo el sombrero.
I put on my hat.
Reponerseme repongoto get better/ to recover/ to get overMe repongo de la gripe fácilmente.
I get over the flu easily.
Sostenerseme sostengoto support/ sustain (oneself)Me sostengo por mi cuenta.
I sustain myself on my own.
Irregular Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Verbs that change meaning when used as reflexive

There are some verbs in Spanish that change meanings when used in the reflexive form (formed by adding the suffix se in the infinitive form). The difference in meaning between a simple verb and its corresponding reflexive verb is slight.

Acercarto bring nearAcercarseto bring closer
Acordarto agreeAcordarseto remember
Acostarto put to bedAcostarseto go to bed
Acostumbrarto be in the habit of, to usually do somethingAcostumbrarseto get used to
Cambiarto changeCambiarseto change clothes
Dormirto sleepDormirseto fall asleep
Enfermarto make ill/sickEnfermarseto become ill/ get sick
Engañarto deceiveEngañarseto deceive oneself
Llamarto callLlamarseto be called/named
Matarto killMatarseto kill oneself, commit suicide
Negarto denyNegarseto deny/to refuse
Parecerto appear/ to seemParecerseto look like (someone)
Peinarto combPeinarseto comb oneself
Pintarto paintPintarseto put on make up
Prepararto preparePrepararseto get ready
Pobrarto try/ to tasteProbarseto try on
Quitarto take awayQuitarseto take off
Sentirto feelSentirseto feel (emotionally or physically)
Volverto returnVolverseto become
Verbs that Change Meaning When Used as Reflexive Verbs in Spanish


Jorge se durmió mientras veía la película.
Jorge fell asleep while watching the movie.

Se parece a su madre.
(He) looks like his mother.

Me acuerdo de cuando fui a Francia.
I remember when I went to France.

Ella se peina mientras escucha música.
She combs his hair while listening to music.

Me acostumbré a despertarme temprano.
I got used to getting up early.

Similar Lessons and Exercises

  1. Spanish Reflexive Verbs Stem Changing Exercise
  2. Spanish Present Participle Stem-changing Verbs
  3. Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs in Spanish
  4. Present Subjunctive Stem Changing Verbs
  5. Spanish Stem Changing Verbs Present Participle Exercise