The general hunting regulations are a condensed summary of the full regulations and legal descriptions found in this wildlife conservation order, issued by the Natural Resources Commission.
Hunting and Trapping DigestThis brochure is not a legal notice or a complete collection of hunting regulations and laws. It is a condensed summary of the wildlife conservation order issued for hunters’ convenience.
A promotional poster for the hunt fish app with a nature scene.Download the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app today! With it, you can store and access regulations, report your harvests, purchase applications, licenses and permits, check drawing results and much more.
Season dates: Sept. 15 - Nov. 14 and Dec. 1 - Jan. 1 Bag limits and additional info: Bag limit: 5 (daily), 10 (possession) in zones 1 and 2; and 3 (daily), 6 (possession) in Zone 3 About ruffed grouse Grouse Enhanced Management Sites (GEMS) West Nile Virus FAQ Ruffed grouse and woodcock cooperator
Full details and pheasant unit boundaries can be found in the Michigan Hunting Regulations.
Bag limit: 2 (daily), 4 (possession)
This year, pheasants will be released during the Oct. 20-Nov. 14 regular pheasant season on thirteen state game areas throughout southern Michigan. Additional releases will occur in December on areas that are open during the December pheasant hunting season. Game areas where releases will occur: