Practice Test

The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT test) is an examination that measures a candidate’s aptitude in a wide variety of skills necessary to succeed as an officer and pilot in the United States Air Force.

AFOQT Practice TEst Sections

If you want to practice various sections of the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, look below to find your section of interest and work your way through our sets of AFOQT practice questions.

Verbal Analogies

The Verbal Analogies test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in eight (8) minutes or fewer.

Arithmetic Reasoning

The Arithmetic Reasoning test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in twenty-nine (29) minutes or fewer.

Word Knowledge

The Word Knowledge test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in five (5) minutes or fewer.

Math Knowledge

The Math Knowledge test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in twenty-two (22) minutes or fewer.

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in thirty-eight (38) minutes or fewer.

Situational Judgement

The Situational Judgement test section is composed of fifty (50) questions which must be answered in thirty-five (35) minutes or fewer.

Self-Description Inventory

The Self-Description Inventory test section is composed of two hundred forty (240) questions which must be answered in forty-five (45) minutes or fewer.

Physical Science

The Physical Science test section is composed of twenty (20) questions which must be answered in ten (10) minutes or fewer.

Table Reading

The Table Reading test section is composed of forty (40) questions which must be answered in seven (7) minutes or fewer.

Instrument Comprehension

The Instrument Comprehension test section is composed of twenty-five (25) questions which must be answered in five (5) minutes or fewer.

Block Counting

The Block Counting test section is composed of thirty (30) questions which must be answered in four-and-a-half (4.5) minutes or fewer.

Aviation Information

The Aviation Information test section is composed of twenty (20) questions which must be answered in eight (8) minutes or fewer.

Today’s Officers.
Tomorrow’s Pilots.

Today, more than ever, America’s Air Force is in need of brave, dedicated, and intelligent officers and pilots to face our nation’s threats. Candidates like you are the key to keeping our nation safe. Take our AFOQT Practice Test and secure your place in history.

What is The AFOQT

The Air Force Officers Qualification Tests is a required examination for any candidate wishing to join the United States Air Force as an Officer. The examination is offered through ROTC programs–typically taken in the sophomore year of university–or through scheduled test dates that can be set up through an Air Force Recruiter.* The AFOQT can only be taken twice (unless a waiver is granted), the examination dates must be more than 150 days apart, and only the most recent score is counted.

* We have heard numerous reports that getting scheduled for this exam through an Air Force Recruiter can be a very difficult and time-intensive process.

The AFOQT covers areas such as verbal skills, mathematical skills, aviation knowledge, and other subject areas. The entire AFOQT spans 12 sections encompassing 550 questions and takes approximately five (5) hours to complete.

Preparing For The AFOQT

If you’re assembling your own AFOQT study guide program there will be a number of things you’ll want to do to prepare to excel on the exam. First, you’ll want to use sample AFOQT tests like the one available on this site. There are a number of reasons why this is a good idea. First, it helps you become comfortable with the testing time limits. This is critical because you’ll want to make sure you answer every question to maximize your score. Learning how and when to make educated guesses will save you time and improve your score. Second, it’ll further familiarize you with the subject matter of all the various subtests. Finally, with self scoring tests you’ll be able to decide what a good score is on the AFOQT test. If you know what you want to do, such as become a pilot, you can actively work towards hitting the scores you’ll need and tracking your progress over time.