IMPORTANT: The final payable week for PUA and PEUC is week ending Saturday, September 4, 2021. The final benefit will be processed on Sunday, September 12, 2021.
You must meet specific requirements for wages earned or time worked during an established period of time, be determined to be unemployed through no fault of your own (determined under state law) and meet other eligibility requirements to qualify for Unemployment Insurance benefits.
Are there wage requirements associated with my eligibility for benefits?
Whether you receive Unemployment Insurance benefits and how much you're entitled to each week depends on how much you earned during your base period. All states have similar wage requirements which are determined by the laws in each state. To qualify for benefits in Arizona, you must have worked for an employer who paid unemployment tax and you must have earned:
I received my Wage Statement (form UB-107) and it's incorrect, what do I do?
You should immediately file a Wage Protest. Detailed information about the Wage Statement (UB-107) and how to file a Wage Protest may be viewed here. Remember-even if the wages on your Wage Statement are missing or incorrect, you must file (and continue to file) weekly claims while the wage investigation is in progress after you file your Wage Protest.
If your Wage Statement is accurate (all of the wages are correct) and you do not qualify for benefits; meaning, you do not meet the earnings requirements as shown above, you must wait until the current quarter changes to complete another claim application. Note: this is only if you had employment that was after the base period shown on the Wage Statement you received.
What if I worked in Arizona and also in another state?
If you have Arizona wages and also worked in another state, or currently reside in Arizona and have earnings from employers in two or more other states (within the base period), you may choose to combine these wages to establish monetary eligibility. If you were employed in more than one state at any time during the current base period, you may have the option of:
State unemployment laws, weekly benefit amounts and eligibility requirements vary between states. Which option is best for you will depend upon the laws in each state where you worked. Links to Web sites in other states may be found on the Service Locator Web site. If all of your employment during the base period was in a state other than Arizona, you must file a claim against that state.