Parent Responsibility
Kentucky Revised Statute 159.180 states that the parent or guardian is responsible for keeping his/her child in regular school attendance.
Truancy Defined (Kentucky Revised Statute 159.150)
Any student who has attained the age of six (6), but has not reached his/her eighteenth (18th) birthday, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) days or more, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) days or more, is a truant. These three (3) days do not have to be consecutive.
Any student enrolled in a public school who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, but has not reached his/her twenty-first (21st) birthday, who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy without valid excuse on three (3) or more days, is a truant.
Notification To School
Parents or guardians are encouraged to call the school as soon as possible on the day of their child's absence or tardiness or, if possible, in advance. If parents call before 8 a.m., they may leave a message on the voice mail system. Parents without a telephone shall be identified; notes will be accepted from these parents only if the note is sent to school with the student.
Students who have a statement from a doctor, dentist, or other recognized medical professional shall submit it at the school’s main office upon returning to school or within five (5) school days after returning to school. After five (5) school days have passed from the date of return, all related absences will be counted unexcused.
Parent Contact Excuses
Students may be excused if the parent provides a valid excuse or provides evidence of circumstances beyond human control, as determined by the Principal. Students shall be allowed up to six (6) absence events (full or partial days) per year to be excused with parent/guardian contact to the school. Students shall also be allowed four (4) tardies (arriving thirty (30) minutes late or checking out thirty (30) minutes early) per year to be excused with a parent contract.
If an elementary or middle school student becomes ill during the day, their parent/guardian (or an individual authorized by them in writing) may come to the school and checkout the student.
If a high school student becomes ill during the day, s/he shall secure permission from the Principal/designee to leave the campus. The Principal/designee shall contact the student’s parents/guardians.
Check-In /Check-Out Procedure
Parents/guardians (or an individual authorized by them in writing or listed as an emergency contact during online registration) shall come to school to sign the check-in/check-out register before an elementary or middle school student shall be permitted to enter school late or leave school early.
High school students shall immediately check-in at the main office upon their arrival at school and then go directly to class. High school students shall secure permission from the Principal/designee to leave the campus before the end of the school day.
Unless the absence/tardy meets the requirements for an excused absence/tardy, students being checked-in/checked-out of school during the school day shall receive an unexcused absence/tardy.
Although parents should make every effort to schedule appointments outside school hours, students may be granted an excused absence for appointments with doctors and dentists. A doctor’s statement noting the time/date of the office visit must be submitted upon the student’s return to school. Check-ins/Check-outs that reflect an unreasonable amount of travel time to/from the appointment will be marked unexcused.
Prearranged Absences
Prior to being absent to participate in school-related activities, students shall contact their teachers to make arrangements for make-up work.
Make-Up Work
Students who have an excused absence shall be permitted to make up homework or tests.
For excused absences at the middle and high school levels, make‑up work is mandatory. Students with unexcused absences, including students who have been suspended, shall not receive credit for daily work or tests which are made up.
The student or parents shall be responsible for contacting teachers concerning make‑up work on the first day the student returns to school. A failing grade may be assigned for any make‑up work not completed as scheduled or if the student does not contact his/her teacher(s).
Trips taken in conjunction with parent vacations shall result in an unexcused absence for which no makeup of homework or tests will be allowed.
(board policy 09.123 'Absences & Excuses was revised 06/20/2024)